Hello, everyone! We’ve just got three days to go until NaPoWriMo starts!

In the meantime, I thought I’d alert you to a couple of links. First, in honor of National Poetry (Writing) Month, the Poetry Foundation is having different poets blog each weekday in April. Check out their site to see new posts from Mary Jo Bang, Bill Berkson, Anthony Madrid, Evie Shockley, and many more!

Second, some of you may know that, in addition to NaPoWriMo, there is NaNoWriMo. The latter is quite the thing — it’s become a full-blown non-profit organization! Anyway, they asked me to write a post for their blog in a bid to convince November Novelists to perhaps try their hand at being April Poets. You can see the post here, and those of you who would like more tools for managing your NaPoWriMo efforts might want to check out their Camp NaNoWriMo site, which allows you to set goals for your writing, track your efforts, and connect with other writers.

Finally, in case you need musical inspiration, I give you Europe’s The Final Countdown.

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