Coming Soon . . . Na/GloPoWriMo 2022!
Hello, everyone!
It may be hard to believe that we’re starting March already, but we are. And that means that National/Global Poetry Writing Month is just 30 days away! Haven’t heard of Na/GloPoWriMo? Well, this is your opportunity, whether you’re a published poet, a beginner, or just someone who loves a challenge, to try your hand at writing a poem a day for the month of April.
How does it work? Simple — just write a poem every day from April 1 to April 30. If you’ll be posting your efforts to a blog or other internet space this year, you can submit the link using our “Submit Your Site” form, and your website will show up in our “Participants’ Sites” list.
And if you’re not planning to post your work online? No worries! Na/GloPoWriMo doesn’t require that at all. All you have to day is write a poem a day for April.
As in prior years, we’ll be posting an optional daily prompt to help you get inspired, as well as featuring a different participant each day. This year, we’ll also be featuring a different online poetry magazine each day, with the hopes that you’ll be able to discover new poems and poets that you like, and perhaps even identify some good places to submit your own work.
For those of you that would like buttons/badges to post on your blogs or websites to show your participation, here is this year’s crop!:
And a hint for those of you who would like to communicate with fellow Na/GloPoWriMo-ers — if you click on the title to each day’s post, you’ll find that the title is a link that will take you to a page specific to that day’s post, with a comment section. This is a great place to post links to your daily output during Na/GloPoWriMo, and to find other participants’ poems.
Finally, we hope you’ll allow a little plug for the brand-new (just launched today!) poetry collection written by Na/GloPoWriMo’s founder, Maureen Thorson.

It’s called Share the Wealth, and you can find more information here. There will also be a virtual launch reading for the book on March 8 — more info on that here!
We’ll be back on the 15th of March, as we build up to our count-down to April 1! And if you have questions in the meantime, please contact us at napowrimonet AT gmail DOT com.