Hello, everyone! We have just two days to go until April, and the beginning of National Poetry Writing Month/Global Poetry Writing Month.

One surefire way to get inspired to write some poetry is to actually read some poetry! There are a few good daily-poetry websites out there, including Verse Daily, Poetry Daily, and Poem-A-Day. Sites like these are a great way to add a little poetry to your life, and to discover new poets and books.

Also, for those of you who will be posting your work to a personal website, we have some “blog buttons” that you can place on your site. These are totally optional – use them if you like them, ignore them if you don’t!

We’ll be back tomorrow with an early-bird prompt for those of you located in areas of the world where April 1 comes a few hours earlier than it does in Washington, DC, current home of NaPoWriMo.net.

In the meantime, if you’d like us to link to a website where you’ll be posting your work, you’ll need to submit the web address using the “Submit Your Site” feature above. And you can always follow our prompts and other posts on Facebook and on Twitter (@napowrimo2017).

Set your Twitter account name in your settings to use the TwitterBar Section.