Whew! We did it, everyone! Another Na/GloPoWriMo has come and gone! I hope that everyone enjoyed the challenge. You might have gotten thirty poems out of it — if so, congratulations! But even if you didn’t, I hope that you found inspiration and joy in our prompts, resources, and featured participants.

Our final featured participant for the year is Aloha Promises Forever, where the minimalist prompt for Day Thirty resulted in a thematically-appropriate haiku.

As usual, we’ll be leaving the “Participants’ Sites” list up until later this year, when we’ll start cleaning up and getting ready for Na/GloPoWriMo 2020.

Finally, thank you to everyone who participated! Your enthusiasm for writing and encouragement of other participants is a wonderful thing to behold. And wherever your poetry may take you until another April rolls around — happy writing!

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